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Skincare Myths vs Facts: What Dermatologists Want You to Know

Skincare Myths vs Facts: What Dermatologists Want You to Know

These days, skincare has become an essential aspect of a person’s life. From
improving skin appearance to following a skincare regime, everyone wishes for flawless
and healthy skin. While researching skincare tips, you might have encountered a lot of
myths about skincare. Such information can misguide anyone, so it is crucial that you
know what is right for your skin. So, in this blog we will burst some common skincare
myths and share some facts.

Decoding Common Skincare Myths

Now there might be a hundred myths and facts that people make by just listening to
what others say or believe. You might have heard that acne is a result of poor hygiene
or sunscreen is only necessary when out in the sun. To clear your doubts regarding
skincare myths, we have listed some of the most common myths and what the actual
facts are to help you make informed decisions regarding your skincare health.

Myth: Skincare Products with Natural Ingredients Are Always Safer

Fact: These days people have become more aware of the advantages of going the
natural way, but it is not necessary that natural ingredients would always be safe. These
natural ingredients might not suit certain skin types and cause allergies or irritations. So,
it’s better to consult professionals from Jacksonville skin center when planning to get
a skin care product that boasts of natural ingredients.

Myth: More Scrubbing Means Cleaner Skin

Fact: Scrubbing is essential to remove the excess oil, dirt, and dead cells from your skin
but excess of it can also devoid your skin of its natural barrier. While scrubbing
exfoliates your skin, excess scrubbing can remove the natural oils thereby damaging
your skin.

Myth: More Expensive Skincare Means It Will Work Wonders

Fact: This is the most common myth that many people are not aware of. Buying
expensive products does not guarantee that they will do wonders for your skin rather it
depends on ingredients and individual skin type. A high-priced product might include the
same ingredients as a low-priced one, so do not fall for such myths the next time you

Myth: Showering Every Day is Bad for the Skin

Fact: Many people think that it is bad for the skin if we shower everyday especially in
the winters, but this is not true. But, yes, it is bad when you shower for too long and with
too hot water as it makes the skin dry. It is good if you shower with water at about the
same temperature as your own body, that lasts for about 5-10 minutes.

Myth: Lip Balms Can Become Addictive

Fact: Lip balms are no doubt a necessity for dry and chapped lips as they provide
moisturizing. Many feel that lip balms might become addictive, but that is not the case.
Lip balms can become a conscious habit but not an addiction. It is also advised to avoid
flavored lip balms as they lead to unconscious licking in some individuals.

Myth: Does Toothpaste Treat Pimples?

Fact: Many people believe that toothpastes can treat pimples as the zinc in them can
be anti-inflammatory. But, in actual the menthol in toothpastes can only irritate your
inflamed skin and damage it. It is better to consult a dermatologist from a skincare
center in Jacksonville rather than believing in such myths.

Myth: Drinking Lots of Water Will Fight Wrinkles

Fact: Water is good for our body and skin and the lack of it does cause dry skin and
wrinkles on the face. So, does drinking lots of water fight wrinkles? As per some
studies, it was found that wrinkles do not go away despite drinking high amounts of


Now you might be a little more aware of the common myths and facts about skincare. It
is important that you do not follow such myths as they are often misleading, rather
consult a dermatologist from a skincare clinic in Jacksonville when you face any skin
If you are facing any skin-related problem, it’s time to head to the best dermatology
center in Jacksonville. We at VCC can offer you the best treatment possible.

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