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7 Common Myths About STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are surrounded by many misconceptions and myths that can lead to misunderstanding and stigma. Despite the widespread availability of information, many people still hold onto outdated beliefs about STDs. 

This blog will explore some of the most common myths surrounding STDs and debunk them with accurate information. By eliminating these myths, we can promote better understanding, prevention, and management of sexually transmitted infections. 

Myth 1: Only Certain People Can Get STD 

The reality is that any person, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation, can be at risk of contracting an STD. STDs don’t discriminate, and they can affect anyone who engages in sexual activity. It is important for everyone to be aware of this and take necessary steps to protect themselves and their partners. Get tested for std testing in Jacksonville, have open communication, and practice safe sex to protect yourself from getting infected by STDs.

Myth 2: You’ll Know If you have and STD just by Looking at Your Partner  

There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases that don’t have visible symptoms, especially in the early stages. Some people may appear healthy but still have an infection. That’s why it’s essential to have open and honest conversations with your partner about sexual health and get a std check in Jacksonville Fl done to be assured. 

Myth 3: You Can’t Get STD if You Use Protection  

Using protection like condoms can lower the chances of an STD, but it doesn’t guarantee complete protection. Some STDs, such as herpes and HPV, can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, even if a condom is used. Further, condoms can often slip off, which could lead to an infection. So, get your testing done from hiv testing center in Jacksonville Fl to avoid any such complications.  

Myth 4: STD’s can only be transmitted by through Vaginal Intercourse  

When we say that STDs can be transmitted through more than just vaginal intercourse, it means that engaging in sexual activity like oral or anal sex can also put forth a risk of contracting or spreading STDs. This is because these activities involve the exchange of bodily fluids, which can contain the infection.  

Myth 5: You Can’t get an STD from someone who looks clean or healthy

Many STDs don’t have visible symptoms, which means that even if a person is clean and healthy on the outside, they could still be carrying an STD. The only way to be sure of it is to get tested regularly. So, it’s important not to judge based on appearances alone and to prioritize taking the necessary precautions to protect your sexual health. 

Myth 6: STDs are only transmitted through Sexual Contact  

There are several STDs that can be transmitted. It can spread through sharing needless contact with infected blood or bodily fluids like through blood transfusions, or needlestick injuries can also lead to transmission. Further, pregnant ladies and breastfeeding mothers who are HIV positive can also pass on the infection to their child.

It’s important to be aware of these different modes of transmission and take important steps to protect oneself. If you are getting immunized, make sure your healthcare providers use clean and sterile injections. Double check that they are not sharing the injection with others and disposing it off after the use. Expecting mothers can get tested for STDs and take necessary medicines to ensure their child is born free from any infection.

Myth 7: STDs can be cured by home remedies  

Home remedies may provide temporary relief for symptoms. But in the long run, they won’t eliminate the underlying infection. So, it’s important to seek medical help rather than relying on home remedies for treating STDs. 

STDs are caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites that require specific treatments, prescribed by healthcare professionals. Without proper medical treatment, they can lead to serious complications and can still be transmitted to others. So, consider getting std testing done from Jacksonville so that the infection can be detected in the nascent stage and treated on time. 

Final Words 

Educating oneself and others about the realities of STD transmission, symptoms, testing, and treatment is crucial in combating misinformation and stigma, ultimately empowering individuals to make informed choices about their sexual health. For further information about STDs, give us a call and get the answers to all your questions.